Left to right Co-Founders Angelos Bilalis and Nathan May at Artie and Mai cafe
Our Story
Hi, I’m Angelos Bilalis, co-founder of VideoWill welcome to our story.
It was a conversation between two friends and work colleagues over a coffee in 2019 that led to what is now VideoWill.
Nathan was telling me of a new invention he was working on and that got us to talking about an idea I had about making a Will.
The idea for creating a convenient and simple DIY Will came to me after my then fiancé Bianca and I were thrown from our motorcycle 18 months earlier. I was badly injured and although I had a Will it wasn’t updated. Bianca was not mentioned in my Will which meant she would receive nothing.
I tried to update my Will from my hospital bed while the nurses were preparing me for spinal surgery but I had no success. I called my brother who was the sole Beneficiary to my estate and the Executor to my Will. I asked him in the event of my death to ensure he would pass on some of my estate to Bianca.
Thankfully I survived but as I looked for an alternative to the DIY Will Kit booklets I had been using for the last 15 years. I realised that none were truly convenient and they were time-consuming and costly. I soon realised I could make something better.
My thoughts turned to making a convenient App-based DIY Will that was simple to use, inexpensive but also portable. So a Will could be made and updated from a hospital bed or for your couch at home.
Nathan loved the idea so we started working on VideoWill in Jan 2020 enlisting Australian App developers and Lawyers.
We are both passionate and proud of what we have created.
Making a Will is the only way your wishes can be recognised in passing. It helps protect those you love the most with the things that you have.
Our hope is more people will make their Will. We ask you to encourage others to do the same.
Thank you